Monday, September 22

Sandi! You're a fine girl...

It's always such a pleasure to see Sandi. She lives in NYC, so it's not as often as I'd like. Sandi was just in town, and took the basic silversmithing class. She was wearing the PMC necklace she made in the Discovering PMC class, and she'd added to it since the last time I'd seen. It looks great! So when she came back for part 2 of silversmithing, she wore the tee shirt that inspired the pendant. Cool right? She is such a spunky gal! I was also thrilled when Sandi came into the store on Friday with Cynthia Cameron (Glass is a Gas Designs). Cynthina and Sandi were my very first PMC pupils, and I am so happy that they have maintained a friendship.

Joan Morris and Wolff Garritano have also taken multiple classes from me, and share tips and ideas with each other. Ahh, isn't it nice how jewelry-making brings people together?

Check out these earrings. I made them for an upcoming class in October. I rather like them!

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