Wednesday, November 26

The Kindness of Strangers

I think of Gonzo at the weirdest times. Today, when I was turning the lights off in the store, getting ready to go, I really missed him. He used to get really excited when we were leaving (supper!) and would follow me around the store, dragging the leash. If I took to long, he's start to whine a little or give a long sigh. I was trying not to cry as I walked to the car. I stopped by the mailbox, grabbed my mail (only one letter) and drove home, remembering how Gonzo used to sit in the way back of the station wagon, staring straight ahead. I catch his eye in the rear view mirror and just tell him "cute" or "good boy". I got home and opened the letter I'd picked up at the store. Didn't recognize the name on the return address. When I read the letter, I burst in to tears. My parents, concerned, asked what was wrong. When I showed them the letter, they became choked up as well. I had found a couch I liked on Craigslist early last week. I was high on the excitement of my new house, and couldn't wait to equip it with new furniture. I contacted the sellers, and we had a deal! I intended to pick up the couch on Saturday. When I knew Gonzo was really sick, and Carlton was going to drive him up from VT (I'd gone there for my birthday and I had to leave Monday for the house closing, and knew I wouldn't be able to get Gonzo to the vet here until Tuesday), I contacted the sellers to let them know I wouldn't be able to take the couch, and why. The letter I got today was from Ben and Lisa Heitman. They were the people selling the couch. They had ready about Gonzo's passing on my blog, and sent me condolences. They also sent me the money from the sale of the couch "because we know how expensive the vet can be". I am floored and so touched by their generosity. I want to pass this generosity forward, and will donate the money to an area shelter or SPCA (once I do some investigating to find out the most in need). THANK YOU SO MUCH BEN AND LISA! You two are beautiful.

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