Saturday, October 2

Ace of Base

Day 1 of class with Hadar Jacobson, heretofore the "Ace of Base". ( She's developed her own metal clay powders in copper, bronze, white bronze, steel and pearl steel. I love base metal. It's a new found love, I admit. But I see for us a great future. I even like the way it's grunge-ing under my fingernails.

My goal today was KISS (keep it simple, stupid) projects, and indeed, they are pretty simple, but the possibilities, oh my god, I hope I can sleep tonight without the ideas running endlessly through my noggin. I'm excited about finding this love, as I've poo pooed the base metals to some extent, and haven't given them enough of a chance. But with my new fire brick kiln arriving shortly and the gunk already established under my nails, I've got no good reason not to start cranking !


venta de casa en Córdoba said...

Así es como eta sucediendo la historia!

marketing de contenido said...

Es increible como hacemos esto que hacemos

sunhuan011 said...

エルメス Hermes アクセサリーなど エルメス/ジャンボチョーカー/ブラウン×シルバー

sunhuan011 said...

エルメス Hermes アクセサリーなど エルメス/ジャンボチョーカー/ブラウン×シルバー

Unknown said...

Virulent hate speech is a cover for latent tendencies. These guys were born gay and can't deal with it so they transfer their self loathing into hate for others. Hitler was a buggerer and NP members bugger each other in prison then deny it when they get out.This site helps me to write my essay on this theme.