Friday, July 23


I'm currently a little bit obsessed with Zentangles. For those of you who have never heard of a "zentangle" (which was me last week), it's glorified doodling. I've always enjoyed doodling, but often my doodles got carried away, and marred an otherwise stellar page of notes. But now, with Zentangles, I can focus all my doodling energy on a little 3x3 card. There are books, you tube videos and kits full of different doodle patterns, so you don't have to think too much "what should I draw". You just zen out and doodle. Personally, I think they should have called it a Zendoodle, but what do I know?

Check out this youtube video (but turn down the volume and put on something cooler) and zen doodle away.

PS! Gearing up for the PMC Conference in Purdue!! I leave on Monday morning and I'm really looking forward to it.

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